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Learn More About Rhinoplasty

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One of the most common plastic surgery procedures, rhinoplasty, also known as a nose job or nose surgery, is performed to reshape, reduce or augment a person’s nose. It can also remove a hump, narrow nostril width or change the angle between the nose and the mouth, or correct injury, birth defects or other problems that affect breathing. 

A beautiful, well-shaped nose creates facial harmony and greatly enhances natural beauty. Rhinoplasty is a surgical technique to correct and enhance your nose – bringing it into balance with your facial features and helps you look and feel confident and attractive

  • Improve the overall appearance of your nose 
  • Repair damage from injury 
  • Reduction the size or projection of your nose 
  • Change the shape of your nostrils 
  • Reduce the tip size or shape 
  • Reduce the bride of your nose 
  • Correct structural problems that affect your breathing and health 

You might be a candidate for rhinoplasty if: 

  • You feel insecure about your nose 
  • You want to adjust the shape or size of your nose 
  • You have suffered trauma or injury that resulted in visible damage to your nose 
  • Have reached facial maturity and completed facial growth 
  • Do not actively smoke 
  • Have realistic goals for the procedure 

Rhinoplasty is usually an outpatient procedure performed under general anesthesia. You will recover in the comfort of your own home afterward 

Your rhinoplasty procedure will depend entirely on the changes you are looking for, with minor procedures taking anywhere from one to two hours and more extensive procedures lasting up to three or four hours. You will see results right away, but they will be masked somewhat by swelling and bruising that gradually goes away as you heal. Recovery time also varies, but as a general rule, you can plan to take about a week off work while you recover. Full healing can take anywhere from four to six weeks, after which your final, beautiful results will be visible. 

Dr. Zaluzec also performs “liquid rhinoplasty”. This procedure uses dermal fillers to help to shape the nose. This is done in the clinic and can have results that last up to 1 year or longer! 

Rebekah Zaluzec, DO

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
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