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Learn More About Facelift

beauty transcended

A facelift is a customized cosmetic surgery that lifts and tightens facial tissue to improve the signs of aging.  Every face is different, and facelifts require great skill and artistry from a plastic surgeon to give you natural-looking results.  Dr. Zaluzec will discuss your goals with you, and if the desired result can be achieved with a less invasive alternative, she will recommend another rejuvenation procedure, such as dermal fillers or laser resurfacing. 

Facial tissue is tightened, and excess skin is removed, giving you a smoother, tighter, younger-looking face and neck. The procedure focuses on reshaping and lifting the bottom two-thirds of your face. It may be combined with other procedures such as a brow lift or forehead lift, depending on your goals.  

You may be a candidate for a facelift if you: 

  • Above the age of 40
  • Are in good physical and mental health 
  • Do not smoke or use nicotine products 
  • Have sagging skin and creases on your face 
  • Have drooping cheeks around your jawline (jowls) 
  • Have loose skin and fat on your neck 

A facelift usually takes approximately 4-5 hours, after which you can return home under the care of another adult. Your procedure will likely be carried out under general anesthesia or IV sedation, depending on your unique circumstances and preferences.  

A facelift will remove any excess skin, tighten the underlying tissues, and remove excess fat.  

Incisions for a facelift are made discreetly in the natural creases of the face to help reduce the appearance of scars after surgery. Short incisions may be located in front of or behind the ear or just under the chin to help lift and tighten the skin of the upper neck. 

You can expect to experience some swelling and bruising after your surgery. This is normal and will subside over about two to three weeks. After which, your refreshed, youthful look will be revealed.  

You will need about two weeks to rest and recover before resuming your regular daily activities and up to six weeks before strenuous activities.  

Rebekah Zaluzec, DO

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
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