Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

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Learn More About Breast Augmentation with Fat Transfer

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Fat grafting, or autologous fat transfer, offers an implant-free option for breast augmentation. This technique uses patients' own fat to increase the volume and size of their breasts. Fat transfer is a safe alternative to alter breast size.

  • Patients who are ideal for liposuction are generally also ideal for fat transfer to the breasts. This means patients should have good skin elasticity of the donor area (locations of liposuction) as well as the breasts. Transferring fat will increase breast size, but it is unable to correct overstretched or loose breast skin. However, if you have loose breast skin, fat transfer can be combined with a breast lift for the best cosmetic results.
  • Patients must have sufficient fatty tissue for transfer.
  • A desire for a more natural, subtle result. Fat transfer can increase breast size by up to 2 cup sizes.
  • Breast augmentation with fat transfer is an outpatient procedure. Dr. Zaluzec will remove fat from one or more areas of your body, and meticulously re-inject it back into the breasts.
  • Fat is harvested with gentle liposuction techniques and processed to preserve the highest quality fat cells to increase the survivability of the transfer. Areas for donation are commonly the abdomen, flanks, and thighs. However, any area can be harvested if needed and properly assessed.
  • Fat cells integrate into the breast tissue and the patient gets the benefit of liposuction to other areas of the body.
  • By using your own fat, your breasts can be made one to two cup sizes larger without an implant. 
  • If you already have implants and have issues such as capsular contracture, thin tissues, or visible rippling, you may want to consider fat grafting surgery. Options for patients who may have had complications with their implants include implant exchange with fat transfer to the breast and decolletage to help the breasts look natural and hide the implant shell; or if you are "done" with implants, then you may opt for explantation (removal of implants and any capsular scar tissue), and replacement of volume with fat transfer from areas liposuction performed on other areas of your body that you desire to be slimmer. Sometimes a breast lift (mastopexy) is needed at the same time as explantation and fat grafting to lift the nipple-areolar complex to the desired height and make the breast "perky" again.
  • Initially, your breasts may be larger than expected after fat transfer. This is due to swelling after surgery and an increased proportion of transferred fat cells. We always expect that some of the fat cells transferred will be absorbed by the body. Because of this, Dr. Zaluzec will inject more than is needed to compensate for the eventual small decrease in size.  The fat cells that do integrate into the surrounding breast tissue remain intact indefinitely and, just like all fat cells, will grow or shrink with any weight changes.
  • Patients generally tolerate fat transfer to the breasts very well and are back to normal activities within a week or less. Patients should expect swelling, bruising and soreness in both the breasts and liposuction sites post operatively.
  • Strenuous exercise may be restarted after a few weeks. A supportive sports bra offers comfort and support to the breasts, while a compression garment is recommended to liposuction areas.
  • Dr. Zaluzec will discuss your specific risks, as they can vary from person to person. However, risks specific to fat transfer include the risk of cysts or calcifications forming in the areas of the transferred fat, and more commonly, that transferred fat does not survive.

Rebekah Zaluzec, DO

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
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